Monday, January 30, 2012

Scrapbooking: Finished 2009!

Ok, let me start off by saying I plan on finding a way to take better pictures of my layouts (other than using my camera phone).  You can not see the details of any of the pages when I do that.  I might try scanning the next ones (if my scanner is big enough). 

With that being said here are just a few of the pages:

Everyone remember the zhu zhu pet craze in 2009.

I hope this is 2009.. it could be 2008. My kid never changes

LOL that Easter was a messy one, but some of the best memories are messy

Brayden to this day remembers Barney being at his birthday party. 

I try to save everyone's birth announcements and picture Christmas cards so send them our way :)

The Columbus Zoo

Family from WV

We miss our boat, I can't believe it has been 3 years since we had it. 
Chris just said it's time to buy another one!

Family fun

I love the picture of him after his haircut... he was not happy

4th of July

The kids got their picture in the paper, just for being so darn cute

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