Monday, January 16, 2012

New Hobby: Couponing

My New Years resolution was to not spend any money til March (besides the necessities).  So to help out with the money saving I also started couponing.  I know I made fun of all my friends that do it, asking them when they would ever need 500 rolls of TP or if they had an odor problem when they stocked up on 50 things of deodorant.  But I joined the bandwagon. 

Here are my deals:

1st week
1 pack paper towels, 1 pack tp, 6 boxes of cereal, 2 packs pens, 4 body wash, 2 cleaning sprays, 2 KY jelly, 2 baby shampoos, 1 box tampons, 1 light bulb, 1 snickers and 2 packs of razors.  OOP $39.63 and $16 CVS cash for next time

2nd week:

7 shampoos or conditioners, 4 hair dyes, 3 deodorant, 1 body wash, 3 tooth paste, 2 dish soap, 2 packs of paper towels, 2 packs tp, 2 wipes, and 3 cards. Total $133.89, $35.67 OOP and earned $10 for next time

I am still learning but am hoping I start getting things for even cheaper once my coupon pile stacks up a little bit.

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