Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Book Review: Smokin Seventeen

This is the 17th book in the series, although it it the first I have read and it will probably be my last unless for some reason my 'to read' list gets really low.  The main character in the series is Stephanie Plum.  The plot is that dead bodies start showing up at her work (she is a bounty hunter) and then the killer starts addressing them to her.  She is also caught up between two love affairs and keeps going back and forth between both of them because she can't make up her mind.  The book was just a little too dramatic where I kept thinking yeah right and I could guess the killer right off the bat.  At the end of the book STOP READING RIGHT NOW IF YOU DON"T WANT TO KNOW THE ENDING!!!  there are three people who were all trying to kill her.  One of them kidnaps her from her apartment and then the other meets them in her parking lot and then the third comes out of no where and tries to run her over. So one gets shot by the other, that one gets run down and dies, and the driver goes to prison.  Like I said... a little too much.

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