Friday, September 16, 2011

Last of the 3 projects I started

Here is my inspiration that I found on Pinterest:

So I found an Advent Calender at Hobby Lobby for $12.99 and used a 40% off coupon. 
I took all the boxes out and painted the sides and the front.  Then I took all the boxes and wrapped them in scraps of scrapbooking paper.  If you scrapbook always save your scraps! They come in handy. 

Then I used my cricut and cut out all the letters.  I tried to use some of my son's foam but I couldn't get it to cut so I ended up just using regular paper. 

Something that I did different because I am going to use this as a learning tool is I wrapped both sides of the box and put the upper case letter on one side and the lower case letter on the other.  I did this because say my son knows this is a G but doesn't know this (g) is also a G, he wont be able to just look beside it and see the bigger letter he will actually have to learn to recognize both upper and lower case letters.  If you are not making this for a learning tool I would not recommend doing both sides because it makes it harder to fit back in the slot. 

My finished product:

I flipped the h and x around so that you can see the lower case side. 
Here is how I use it as a learning game....
I take my chip board letters (from scrapbooking)

and hold up a letter, if my son knows what the letter is he gets to put it in the matching box.  If he doesn't I hold on to it. 
AND the great thing about this game... when he learns all his letters, he will have also organized all my scrapbook letters into their new storage box =)

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