Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Month 5


Current situation.... I am currently in month 5 and have been stuck at 175 for a few weeks.  I still have at least 25 more pounds to go before I reach my goal weight and may have to try something new.  I know 45 pounds in 5 months is great, but the process is starting to feel slow.  I will let you know what I decide to do this month.  

Month 3 and 4

January and February  

I stayed at 192 pounds for a long time.  :(  I am talking weeks with no change.   

This happens a lot to me when I am losing weight.  I get at a certain number and it is so hard to get past that number.  Then all of a sudden I lost 10 pounds extremely quick.  


This is march 3rd and I finally got below 180!!  

Month 2


Through all of December I stayed in the 190s.  I ate a lot during the holidays and I didn't make it to the gym at all.   I would like to add that I haven't started 'dieting' at all yet.  I have just been watching what I eat.  I used to eat out everyday for lunch, I now pack a lunch everyday.  This involved a lot of frozen meals- which I hate, but will have to do until I find an alternative.   

January 1st I started another new chapter in my life- the Dave Ramsey program.  This brought about a lot of new changes, I may blog about that later but for now I will just talk about the ones that effected my weight loss. First, we stopped eating out (except for special occasions that are planned events).  I had previously cut out fast food but we were still eating at sit down restaurants 2-3 times a week.  I started meal planning and have a monthly menu that hangs on the fridge.  I shop from this menu and have cut back the amount of junk food we by to almost nothing.   I still get the kids a box of Oreo's or a bag of chips every now and then, but I try to buy the snacks that I do not like so I will not be tempted.  

On January 8th I started back up at the gym and weighed in at 192 pounds.  

Month one and two


The first month in weight loss always seems like the easiest to lose weight. 

Getting to the gym was my biggest challenge . 

I hit the 200 pound mark on December 8th.   

I personally could not tell much of a difference, but others were starting to notice that I was losing weight.  
Here are some of the changes that I made the first month:
1. I gave up pop and McDonald's sweet tea- that was a big one for me.  I love pop and used to drink the Speed Way 40 oz ones everyday along with one or 2 McDonald's sweet teas.  
2. I gave up all fast food.  This was hard because of the convenience.  I work full time and have a part time businesses.  Throw in 4 kids and I do not have a lot of spare time to cook so we were eating fast food almost on a daily basis.  
3. Go to the gym- this one was a struggle for me and still is.  I will be honest and admit I only make it to the gym around once a week.  My goal is to increase that to 3-4 times.  While at the gym I do the couch to 5k app on the treadmill.   

Monday, April 10, 2017

Weight loss journey- the beginning


It has been a long time since I have posted and I decided to get back on and share my latest adventure- weight loss.   My youngest and final child turned 1 on October 27 so I decided that was the time I was going to stop breastfeeding and focus on me for the first time in 4 years.  I had literally  been pregnant or nursing the last 4 years of my life.  So on November 1st the journey started.  But first I want to show you what I looked like at my heaviest.  Here I am 9 months pregnant, weighing 248 pounds!! 

I left the hospital 30 pounds lighter.  But the rest of the weight stuck around the entire time I was breastfeeding.  Here I am at the start of my journey at 220 pounds